Geertje van GraasAge: 981800–1898
- Name
- Geertje van Graas
- Given names
- Geertje
- Surname
- van Graas
Birth | 1 February 1800 Zwartsluis, Overijssel, Nederland |
Christening | 5 February 1800 (Age 4 days) Zwartsluis, Overijssel, Nederland
Zwartsluis DTB
Civil marriage | Teunis van Heerde - View family 10 May 1828 (Age 28) Husband: 30 Wife: 28 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland
Meppel huwelijksregister
Citation details: Jaar: 1828 Akte: 016 Registratienummer: 1828 Date of entry in original source: 10 May 1828
Occupation | dienstmeid 10 May 1828 (Age 28)
Meppel huwelijksregister
Citation details: Jaar: 1828 Akte: 016 Registratienummer: 1828 Date of entry in original source: 10 May 1828
Death of a husband | 25 November 1872 (Age 72) Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland
husband -
Teunis van Heerde
Death | 12 April 1898 - 15:00 (Age 98) Age: 98 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland Address: Wijk 2 nr. 112
Meppel overlijdensregister
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 herself |
Geertje van Graas
Birth 1 February 1800 Zwartsluis, Overijssel, Nederland Death 12 April 1898 (Age 98) Age: 98 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland Loading...
Family with Teunis van Heerde - View family |
husband |
Teunis van Heerde
Christening 1 October 1797 Kampen, Overijssel, Nederland Death 25 November 1872 Age: 75 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland Loading...
2 years herself |
Geertje van Graas
Birth 1 February 1800 Zwartsluis, Overijssel, Nederland Death 12 April 1898 (Age 98) Age: 98 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland Loading...
Civil marriage: 10 May 1828 — Meppel |